Hey Y’all!
It’s been a little quiet around these parts wouldn’t you say?! I guess I just needed a little bloggy vacation! Sometimes you just have to step away from the computer for a few days, live life, & Be Inspired!!
So, that is exactly what I’ve been doing! I hope you all understand! We all need a little time off every now & then!
Today, I wanted to talk a little about blog photography & the importance of good blog photos!
Let’s be honest….I think all of us are guilty of visiting our favorite blogs, skimming over the text, & just viewing the pretty photos….Am I Right?!
We all want to be inspired & let’s face it….pretty photos inspire us! That is usually the reason we buy & subscribe to magazines isn’t it?! Because we want to see beautiful, inspiring photos!
So, in order to have a successful blog…..especially if your niche is DIY/Home Decorating….
You are MUCH MORE LIKELY to get featured on those big home decor blogs if you take good photos of your projects! Being featured on those larger blogs will increase your pageviews. Pageviews will increase your exposure. Exposure will bring new followers/subscribers to your blog! Are you following me? You get why it’s important?!
Okay, let’s dig in….shall we?!
Disclaimer: First, I am by NO MEANS claiming to be a photography expert here! I am just taking the time to share with you the things I have learned over the course of my blogging journey with the hope of helping some of you out there who are struggling with their photos! Second, even if you’re not a blogger, these tips will help to improve your photography skills! So, if you’re just want to take better pictures in general, KEEP READING!
Six Things You Can Do Now To Improve Your Blog Photos:
1. DO NOT take photos of your home/project at night! I know this seems like a no brainer, but I know that I made this mistake early in my blogging career, and I know that many other bloggers starting out make this same mistake.
2. AVOID using your flash whenever possible! The flash is a harsh light & never reflects a project or a room in the way it really appears in person. Instead, TRY TO ALWAYS rely on natural light (i.e. the sun) when taking photos. Natural lighting will provide you with soft, beautiful light that will truly do justice to your project.
3. LEARN how to shoot in manual mode! I cannot express how big of a difference this makes in your photos!! When I first got my DSLR camera, manual mode was so over my head!! But, with a little research, you will find out that it isn’t as hard as it appears and that it is SO WORTH taking the time to learn!! It truly can take your photos to a whole new level! When researching manual mode, I found a lot of great information from The Pioneer Woman’s site. I read, and read, and READ some more. Then I practiced her tips & tricks with my camera, until I SLOWLY managed to figure it all out….AND I AM STILL LEARNING!!! Don’t expect to become a manual mode expert overnight….it’s just not going to happen!
4. While trying to figure out manual mode, EMBRACE aperture priority mode. On Canon DSLR cameras this is known as “AV” mode on Nikon cameras, I think it is just “A” mode. By setting your camera in aperture priority mode, you are telling the camera how big of an area you want in focus. A low aperture ( i.e., 4-5) will only allow for a small area to be in focus. This works for small projects such as crafts, but if you are photographing an entire room, then you want a large area to be in focus. If that is the case, you need your aperture to be high (i.e., 14-16). When shooting in aperture priority mode, you set the aperture (tell the camera how small or how large you want your focal area) and then it will take care of setting the shutter speed & ISO for you. Your pictures won’t be at their full potential when shooting in aperture priority mode, but they will be a heck of a lot better than what they would be if you just leave the camera on AUTO.
5. EDIT your pictures!! You don’t have to be a photoshop expert to either! Their are lots of great programs online that are FREE which can make a world of difference in your photos! I personally like to use PicMonkey & Ribbet to edit my blog photos. Just by using their BASIC editing options, you can brighten your photos, enhance the clarity, & make them look more magazine or “pin” worthy!
6. Take at least one “BEAUTY SHOT.” Speaking of “pinning”, did you know that the majority of my blog traffic comes from Pinterest?! When my photos or projects get pinned, then that drives traffic to my blog! So how do you get your photos pinned?! First, make sure that you are following the first 5 steps I’ve already addressed in this post! Remember….Pretty Pictures = More Pins! And last, but not least….take a “beauty shot.” Take at least one shot & label it with the project title & make sure that you watermark it (put your blog title or URL on the photo.) In fact, ALL of your photos should be watermarked!! In the picture below, I added the label & text to using PicMonkey. I like PicMonkey over Ribbet when it comes to labeling my photos because they have more label options as well as more fonts to choose from.
Did you find these tips helpful?
Would you like to see more posts like these?
Are you a blogger looking to improve your blog photos or just a mom trying to take better pictures of your kids?!
What tips or tricks could you add to this list?
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Tutorials & Tips Tuesday at Home Stories A to Z

Great tips, Tonya! I was recently given a DSLR and haven’t yet ventured out of some of the auto modes. I think I need to spend some time reading Pioneer Woman’s tutorials so I can improve my photos. Thanks for the great tips! I always love your labels–you do a great job of combining fonts.
Great tips, Tonya!! You’re sooo right about the beauty shot. 🙂
Have a great day!
xo Heidi
Thanks for this. My blog photos are weak at best, I like to blame my point and shoot camera but I know I make a lot of poor choices. Then I wrote a food guest post and OMG…. Food photography is even worse! Taking better pictures is on my to do list as I try to grow my little space.
LOVE this post!!! 🙂 I also think that a tripod is a necessity to good photography. They aren’t expensive and make a world of difference! xoxo
YES! These tips are really helpful to me. I struggle with the photography part of blogging, but I know that it DOES make a big difference. I really appreciate this!
so last night was halloween because of hurricane sandy we had to reschdule. i kept taking the worst pictures of the kids. this blog was great,i learned some great stuff…i like these kinds of posts.
LOVE, love, LOVE this post! Thanks for all of the great tips! You’ve encouraged me to actually learn to use the manual setting on my camera!
Great tips Tonya! I’d add to get down low sometimes, like really low, to take your picture. It adds a great dimension and can sometimes be your money shot. Thanks! Lisa~
Love these tips Tonya!!!! Your photos are always gorgeous!!
YES, these are great posts! More please 🙂 I’ve been following your blog “journey” and see how you’ve grown and learned how to do things – so when you post “how to’s” on how to blog, it seems so legit and possible! Thanks for blogging!
One question – if you just have a regular point and shoot digital does the “manual mode” relate at all to your “fancy” camera manual mode recommendations? Thanks!
Great tips! So funny we’re on the same page with photography posts!
I vote for more posts like these! Working on all of these. Took my camera off auto after Haven this year and have been loving shooting in manual. 🙂 Still need to work through Shoot Fly Shoot’s course.
I do use my tripod – especially when shooting rooms, mantels, tables, etc. Do you use it even with shooting crafts and such? I have to admit I didn’t use it during my 31 days series – way too much going on. I was doing good just to get the post up 🙂
can’t wait to see the difference in my Christmas shots this year. Was just looking back at last years shot after dark, on auto. This year they will be shot during the day, on manual, with a tripod. Maybe I will do a comparison post. 🙂
These are fantastic tips and your shots are always gorgeous!
Thanks so much!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Wow, your shots are so pretty! I am asking for Santa to bring me a DSLR for Christmas! I will reading reading to learn how to use. These tips are great, Thanks!
Yes! I love the tips and keep them coming!
These are priceless tips, great idea to share!
Such a helpful post! I have had my camera for only a few months (bought it to photograph my children before they are too big!)and the manual is truly like reading a new language. I would love to take a class in the future, but these tips are so helpful and really break those “terms” down into something meaningful! Thank you!
Fun! I would love one of these days to sit down to read and figure out our camera and take better pics! Thanks for the tips! Might you consider a post on editing pics (if you haven’t already, I haven’t been able to look back yet! :))?? 🙂
Great tips! Thanks – now I just need to save up and get a DSLR!!! First time to stop by your blog. Can’t wait to read more :o)
Excellent information! The photo editing sites alone are like gold for me. I’ve searched high and low (apparently more low than high) and hadn’t been able to find a good online photo editing site that didn’t want an arm, leg and first born before you can edit pictures. Brand new to your blog, will be back for sure. Thank you.
What a beautiful home you have! I am adding you to my reader. Can’t wait to see more of it!
Well, my blog photos suck, but I am not a decorating blog so at least I don’t have to worry about that quite so much. For example, today I took a picture of my cluttered purse for Wednesday’s blog post. So I am not putting out stellar photography here yet, lol!
But I would like to take as nice a photo as I can whether for my blog or my family. I only have a digital photo but I am hoping to upgrade to something a little better, so I will need all the help I can get, lol!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you!
I’d like to invite you to join me at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week! http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/11/clever-chicks-blog-hop-8-and-rural.html
I hope to see you there!
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick
Great tips. I came over from Tatter Tots and Jello. I have been lusting after a DSLR for some time now. I just can’t justify the expense right now. So, I do my best with my point and shoot. Would love to hear any tips you might have for those of us still stuck with a point and shoot.
Thank you for sharing your information! Great post…p.s…I am pinning it! 😉
I’m new at blogging and I absolutely loved every tip you gave! Tried using picmonkey and now I know there is hope for my pictures! Thank you so much for sharing and thanks in advance for any other tips and tricks you’ll be sharing with us…So very helpful indeed!
I cannot tell you how much this helps me! I am a new blogger, and I will be the first to admit that my computer skills need some work. I have always wanted to edit my photos, but was so lost! Thank you so much!
Great tips…thank you for sharing! Hopped over from Pinterest and I’m happy to be your newest follower. Would love to have you stop by for a visit! Blessings ~ Judy
AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you so much for the tips!!!!