I’m so glad you made it to my littler corner of the blogosphere!!
I’m a 30 something, small town gal from Southern Illinois who wears many hats. I am a small business owner, part-time registered nurse, part-time blogger, and full-time mommy & wife. I have an amazing husband & two beautiful little boys who keep my days extremely busy!
My husband, Bobby & I have been married for 10 years now.
We had our oldest son, Parker in June 2007.
And our youngest son, Griffin was born August 2010.
After Griffin was born, I made the switch from being a full-time nurse to being a stay-at-home mom (I have since gone back on a part-time basis.) That is when I discovered the world of DIY & home decor blogs!
I vividly remember sitting in my living room one morning, drinking a cup of coffee & watching the Nate Berkus show (oh how I miss Nate!) He was sharing a few simple & inexpensive decorating ideas from the one & only, Thrifty Decor Chick. If for some reason you have stumbled upon my blog, before stumbling upon Thrifty Decor Chick, do yourself a favor….head on over to Sarah’s blog. You won’t be disappointed!
After I discovered Sarah’s blog, I discovered more & more blogs like hers! I was seriously in decorating/DIY heaven!
I was home!!
You see, I grew up in a house that knew nothing BUT “do-it-yourself.”
My parents never could afford to hire things done, so instead, they just figured out how to do things on their own! They had no choice, BUT to DIY. I’ve heard my dad say many times, that he has learned a lot about DIY just by trial & error. Over the years I have watched him (and my mom) pour their heart & souls into making their house a home.
My mom…. she was (and still is) a HGTV junkie. I remember her making trips to Goodwill & the Salvation Army when I was younger. She was always in search of old furniture pieces she could makeover, or looking for unique finds that she could spruce up & use in a room she was decorating or re-decorating. 🙂
So naturally, the whole decorating/DIY thing….it’s in my DNA. It’s all I’ve ever known!
Even though I was plenty busy in my new role as stay-at-home mom…..I so wanted to be apart of the “home blogger” community. I talked to my mom about it. We decided that between the two of us and our two homes, that we had plenty to projects that we could share, so we gave the whole blog thing a go!
“Love of Family & Home” was born in November 2010. We only published 3 posts between November & December. Then in January 2011, we started getting more serious about the blog & began posting on a somewhat regular basis. In February 2011, my mom decided to open on etsy shop. She quickly became very busy with the shop & I pretty much began my solo career as a blogger a few months later and I’ve been blogging ever since!
I mostly blog about projects we have going on here at home….
Sometimes, I share projects that my mom has going on as well…..
I’ve been known to makeover a few furniture pieces….
Oh, and in addition to my decorating habit, I may or may not have a small obsession with clothes….
I have had some fun opportunities come my way since starting this blog. Probably the most fun & most exciting was my feature in Woman’s Day magazine.

Photo Credit: Bjorn Wallander
You can read more about my feature HERE and HERE. To see the project that landed me the feature, click HERE.
This blog is my creative outlet.
It’s my break from motherhood.
I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful people through blogging. I have had the opportunity to meet some of my favorite bloggers in person at different conferences over the past couple of years. It has been so fun to have those online relationships turn into REAL, authentic friendships. Blogging gives us an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests and to learn from one another. It truly has been such a blessing to me in so many ways!
I’m glad you found your way here! I hope you’ll take some time to browse around. If you are looking for a place to start, be sure to check out my Home Tour & Project Gallery pages. Those two places will give you a great idea as to what you will find here on this blog. It will also give you some insight into my personal style & taste.
If you like what you see, I hope you will visit my Subscribe page to find how you can follow along! There are so many ways in which you can stay connected!
Want to say hello? Visit my Contact page & drop me a line! You can also email me at tdiehl2005 (at) yahoo (dot) com.