The wedding we are decorating for is quickly approaching!!
We have been busy working on all kinds of wedding projects, but I just haven’t had the time to sit down & make a post about any of them. I have shared some other projects in this series a couple of weeks back….if you missed them, you can click here and here.
I wanted to share with you a quick, easy, & cheap project that my mom recently completed….
This basket will go the gift table for the wedding guest to place their cards in for the bride & groom!
Isn’t just too cute?!
Here is how we made it….
We started with a simple bushel basket( like the one of above) that we purchased at Hobby Lobby for $2.50 (50% off) and gave it a new look just by giving it a couple coats of a cream colored spray paint.
Then my mom made a liner for the basket using burlap.
If you are interested in making a liner here are the steps you need to follow…
1.) Cut a 16.5″ x 57″ piece of burlap. Measurements were obtained by measuring the diameter & depth of the basket as well as figuring a small amount (approximately 2.5″) to hang over the outer edge of the basket. Helpful tip: when cutting the strip use the finished edge of the burlap for the top of the liner so your don’t have to hem it later. 🙂
2.) After cutting, sew together the 16.5″ sides. Turn inside out & put inside the basket. You should have around 2.5″ that will come over the top edge of the basket.
3.) Because the bottom of the basket is narrower than the top, you will need to gather the burlap to make it fit into the basket. If you prefer, you can take a needle & thread and gather the bottom edge. My mom actually just took and folded/gathered the burlap at the bottom of the basket & glued the pleats together with fabric glue. You can also used hot glue if you want.
4.) You will then need to cut a 15″ circle out of the burlap for the bottom of the basket. You will need to fold the outer edge of the circle approximately 1/2″ and sew around the edge. Then just place it in the bottom of the basket and hot glue in place covering your gathered edge.
5.) Take the fabric that comes over the top of the basket & see where your handles are & cut the burlap in a straight line following the threads in the burlap. Slip the handles through the opening & then run a line of fabric glue along the opening to prevent fraying.
6.) To make the ruffle, my mom used a cream muslin fabric measuring 45″ wide. She tore the muslin into eight strips 2″ wide. She then sewed the strips together & then gathered them down the center to make the ruffle. She hot glued the ruffle to the burlap matching the bottom edge of the ruffle with the edge of the burlap. She then took a piece of lace, gathered it, & hot glued it under the edge of the burlap.
7.) The “CARDS” banner was made using brown paper, stencils, & jute/twine rope. I will be sharing another tutorial for this in the upcoming weeks as we are using these in many different areas of the wedding!
Thank you so much for stopping by & we hope you enjoyed this tutorial!!!
Linking up here….
Tips & Tutorials Tuesday at The Stories of A to Z
Transformation Thursdays at The Shabby Chic Cottage
I’m Lovin’ it at Tidy Mom
Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots & Jello
Sunday Showcase Party at Under The Table & Dreaming