Today was Parker’s first day back to Pre-K!
This is his second year of Pre-K and he is returning back to the same class with the same teachers, so we didn’t have the issue of separation anxiety this year as we did last year. Since he was familiar with everything, the first day was NO BIG DEAL for him. He gave me a kiss & said “Bye Mom!”
Can’t believe how big he is getting!! Where does time go?!
I decided I wanted to make his teachers a little back to school gift this year & had seen so many beautiful embellished clipboards from other bloggers & also on Pinterest. I thought it would make a great teacher’s gift, so I decided to try my hand at some of my own!
I went to Hobby Lobby to find some pretty scrapbook paper ($0.59 a piece) & bought the clipboards at Target ($2.00 a piece.)
I also picked up a cream colored ribbon at Hobby Lobby ($1.00-purchase 50% off.)
I cut the scrapbook paper to size I needed…
And then Mod Podged it too the surface of the clipboard….
I did wet the backside of the paper a little bit with a water bottle…this makes it a little bit easier to work. After wetting the paper, I put a layer of Mod Podge on the surface of the clipboard & also a thin layer on the backside of the paper & attached the two together. You will have some air bubbles, but simply take your fingers & smooth the paper out.
Then I took the solid colored paper & cut out the teacher’s name using my Cricut machine. I used the George & Basic Shapes cartridge & cut my letters at 2 inches…
I also used the Mod Podge to attach the letters at the bottom of the clipboard. Parker’s teachers go by their first names in the classroom, so I thought it was appropriate to use them for their gifts, but I think it would also be cute to use Mrs. Smith, Ms. Jones, etc. If you decide to go that route instead you will probably have to cut your letters out in a smaller size.
I used the cream colored ribbon to seperate the two pieces of scrapbook paper, but thought it needed a little something extra so I also cut a thin piece of the cardstock to add to the trim piece. I used the Mod Podge to attach the ribbon/trim as well.
I let the clipboards dry overnight & then applied a clear finishing coat to them in the morning (this was a tip from my friend Christina at Christina’s Adventures…she sells clipboards) before sending them with Parker to school.
This is what they looked like when they were finished….
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!!
I also hope I inspired you to make some of your own!!
Linking up here….
Tips & Tutorials Tuesday at Home Stories A to Z
Back To School Ideas at The CSI Project
Transformation Thursday at Shabby Creek Cottage
20 Below Thursdays at Christina’s Adventures
Delightfully Inspiring Thursday at Delightful Order
I’m Lovin’ it at Tidy Mom
Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots & Jello
Sunday Showcase Party at Under The Table & Dreaming