Hey Friends! Long time no chat! 🙂
Lately, I’ve really been missing my little corner of the blogosphere. I’m trying to figure out a way to make blogging a part of my weekly routine again. I have several post ideas running through my brain and I’d like to be able to follow through on those. So, do me a favor and hold me accountable, will ya? I sure could use some accountability!
Anyway, I’m really excited to be dropping in today to share our new, cottage farmhouse entryway with you. I say “new” because it’s new to all of you. However, it’s actually been “new” at our house for about 9 months now. After that long, is it still considered new, or no? LOL!
Regardless, I’m pretty happy with this “new” little spot in our living room. What do you think of it?
Cozy, right?
After my Christmas decor came down in January, I was itching to switch some things around in this space. If you’ll remember correctly, our TV was actually was on this wall before and the gallery wall you see here was actually on the opposing wall above our couch…..which has also been moved as well. If you’d like to take a look back at the previous layout, you can click HERE.
Before, we really didn’t have an entryway to speak of. I was always pinning beautiful entryways on Pinterest, but didn’t really have a space in our previous living room layout to create one. Like everyone else on the internet, I was (and still am) inspired by the talented Liz Marie Galvan. Every time I would visit her blog, I would have MAJOR entryway envy. You could say her gorgeous entryway inspired me to completely & totally rearrange my living room furniture on a whim one day.
I just started moving furniture around without discussing the idea with the hubby first. I figured it I did the majority of the work on my own, he wouldn’t have anything to complain about right?! There was, however, a small problem. One tiny, minute detail. The flatscreen TV wouldn’t just have to be moved from this wall to the opposing wall (like I previously thought), but the satellite cables under the house would have to be re-routed to the opposing wall as well. Whoops! 😬
So, let’s just say the hubs wasn’t real happy with my spontaneous decision to turn our living room upside down. In the end, I convinced him to call the Directv customer service line and for a very reasonable rate, they came out the very next day & moved the satellite cables for us. Praise the Lord! That got me out of the dog house pretty quick. 🙌🏻
The truth is…..even if I had to stay in the doghouse for a few days, I think it would have been worth it. Don’t you agree? That’s how much I love this little spot. ♥️
While browsing through these photos, you’ve probably noticed a few other changes in the living room as well. I’ll be back soon to share with you all the other “new” changes in this space! A couple of the changes are fairly new. It always takes me a while to put a room together, but so far, I really love how this one is coming together!
As always, thanks so much for dropping by today! I appreciate each & every one of you!
So, tell me…..have you ever made a spontaneous decorating decision that landed you in the doghouse? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!
Have a great week y’all!
Rug – Hobby Lobby
Church Pew – Kirkland’s
Home Sweet Home Pillow – TJ Maxx
Other Pillow – Kirkland’s
Throw – TJ Maxx
Basket – Kirkland’s
Greenery in Basket – Hobby Lobby
Wood Plaque with Hooks – Hobby Lobby
Boxwood Wreath – TJ Maxx
Ceramic Croc – Sis’s Memories (local antique shop)
Olive Tree – Hobby Lobby
“Grateful, Thankful, Blessed” wall hanging – Kirkland’s
“Nest” wall hanging- Hobby Lobby
“Party of 4” sign – Heartland Roots (local shop)
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