Hey Friends!!
Long time, no chat, huh?!
If you’ve been following along on Facebook and/or Instagram, you know that I’ve been busy with all things store related. Unfortunately, ( as much as I hate it ) this little blog has taken a backseat for the time being! I have high hopes of getting back to a normal blogging routine, but until then, I’m happy to turn over my little piece of the blogosphere to some good friends of mine! 🙂
I’d like you to meet Jamie & Shannon of Southern Home With Style.
Jamie is a wife & mother who works in the healthcare field, but enjoys blogging in her spare time. You can find loads of posts on her blog related to DIY, Healthy Living, & Fashion. Her husband, Shannon also contributes to the blog and his specialty just happens to be BAKING! How cool is that?! You can find all his yummy recipes under their Real Men Bake tab on their blog.
I’m honored to be turning the floor over to him today in order for him to share one of his most famous, most requested recipes of all time……Oreo Cake Pops!
YUM!! 🙂
So, how many of you can say, that the best cake pops you have ever eaten were made by a man?
Living in a small town in Southern Illinois, and working in agriculture, baking is the last thing people think may be a favorite of mine. However, growing up watching my mom bake desserts and cakes, combined with my sweet tooth….the kitchen is where you will usually find me if I’m not working.
To be honest, I would love for people to think that cake pops are an art that is impossible to replicate, but the truth is, the best tasting cake pops are actually pretty easy to make!
Here is what you will need:
Three ingredients: Oreos (regular chocolate or golden, NOT double stuff), cream cheese, and candy melts. Here is how:
Step 1: Take 1 family size package of Oreos and split them in half as you put them in a food processor. Grind them up to well enough that there are no pieces bigger than a bb (I know, using a bb as a reference shows that I am a country boy).
Step 2: Put 1 (8oz) block of cream cheese into your mixer and mix it up to soften it. Then add the Oreos and mix until you no longer see the white of the cream cheese.
Step 3: Place the “dough” in the fridge to set up for a few hours. The mixture is pretty sticky and nearly impossible to work with if it is not chilled.
Step 4: Roll the dough into balls. I use a cookie scoop from Bed, Bath & Beyond that has a rubber bottom that allows you to pop the dough out pretty easily. Then roll into a smooth ball and place back into the fridge while you prepare your chocolate melts. Do not put the dough in the freezer, if it gets too cold it can expand and crack the chocolate.
Step 5: Warning- working with candy melts is the hardest part of the process. Chocolate is finicky to work with. As it melts, it reaches a point where it is as liquified as it will get and if it gets hotter, it will scorch. I use a coffee mug to melt my chocolates. The fancy chocolate melters are too big and waste too much chocolate unless you are making 100+ cake pops at a time of the same color. The best candy melts I have found are “Make N’ Mold” brand from Hobby Lobby. Fill the coffee mug with the melts, place in the microwave and change the power setting to 5 (assuming it is a range of 1-10). This will kick the microwave on and off to slowly melt the chocolates. Use a butter knife to press the chocolates down and add more melts until the mug is 90% full. Only place the mug in the microwave for 45 seconds at a time and check the chocolates until you get a feel for things. Once the chocolates are fully melted, cut the knife back and forth to force any air bubbles to the top.
Step 6: Place a little bit of chocolate on the end of your sticks and place them fully into the dough. The chocolate helps the dough stay on the stick as you dip it. Let this chocolate set up before you proceed.
Step 7: Dip the dough into the coffee mug until the entire ball is covered. Slowly bring the cake pop out of the mug with an up and down motion. This helps release the extra chocolate and gives a smoother finish.
Step 8: Place the cake pops on a stand if you want them upright (like the white ones below), or sit them down on wax paper if you want them to sit by themselves (like the chocolate ones below).
Step 9: ENJOY! Since they have cream cheese, keep them in the fridge or in a cool place. Do not place in the freezer this will cause the chocolate to crack. They usually don’t last longer than a day anyhow before they are gone!
I hope you found this tutorial helpful!
Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have about creating your own Oreo Cake Pops!
Thank you so much for reading!