I recently had the opportunity to preview the movie “Heaven is For Real” , and found myself both inspired & uplifted by the film’s message.
Four year old, Colton Burpo becomes deathly ill following a family vacation. After suffering a fever for a few days, his parents take him to the hospital feeling as though his condition had gotten worse. After running some tests, the doctors tell his parents that his appendix had ruptured & that he had a severe infection. They tell them that he is very sick & needs immediate surgery.
Although he wasn’t expected to pull through, Colton does make it through surgery & has a complete recovery. Shortly after that, he starts revealing things that happened to him that day. While is physical body remained on that operating room table, his spiritual body was some where else.
One afternoon he takes a trip with his dad and the details of that day are slowly revealed. You hear him tell his father details of things that happened to him while he was in surgery. He recalls seeing his body on the operating room table & the surgeon doing everything he could to save his life. He recalled seeing his mother in the waiting room, phoning friends & asking them to pray. He even remembered seeing his dad in the hospital chapel, “yelling at God.”
He then proceeds to tell his dad that he visited Heaven. He recalls the angels singing to him. He describes to his dad what Jesus looked like & how he had “markers” on his hands & feet. He even recalls meeting his great-grandfather and a sister whom he never even knew he had.
Of course, being human, his father questions the things he is saying.
How could he possibly know the things that he knows?!
And how could he have seen the things he has seen?
At the same time, Colton is a 4 year old, innocent child.
What reason does he have to make these things up?!
To read more about my reaction to the film, check out my post on the SheKnows website! CLICK HERE!
Have you seen the movie or read the book?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and/or take-aways from the film! Leave them in the comments section below!

I LOVED this movie! Although I read the book years ago and enjoyed the book just a little bit more 🙂
XO Kelly
my husband and i saw this movie this past summer and LOVED it! i don’t think there was a dry eye in the movie….would highly recommend it to anyone.
i also read the book a year or so ago but thought the movie was much bettter.
I’ll have to admit, the story is quite captivating, but I don’t feel the movie portrayed the book well.
Having read the book first and then seeing the movie, I felt like the movie didn’t do the book justice. I feel the movie was a bit more preachy, and this can go one of two ways, depending on who the audience is.
I personally believe Heaven is for real, Colton only confirmed it 🙂