Hey Friends!
Happy Tuesday to you all! Did you have a good weekend?!
We certainly did! On Saturday, the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS with temperatures in the upper 60’s! The sun was shining bright & we even got to open the windows for a couple of hours to let some fresh air in…. IT.WAS. HEAVENLY!
With the change in the weather I found myself wanting to work on a project, so I finally tackled one that has been on my list for quite some time now! I gave our living room sofa a little makeover…
It’s looking pretty now, but don’t be deceived!
Just a few days ago, it was suffering from Saggy Sofa Syndrome….
For real! It’s a thing y’all!
We’ve had our living room sofa for almost 6 years now. We purchased it at Ashley furniture & believe it or not, I still really like it.
Or at least I like it when it’s perky….
The saggy couch…I’m not real fond of it!
Can you blame me?!
Does your couch look like this?!
If so, have no fear, I’ve got some easy & inexpensive saggy couch solutions for you!
I actually got this idea from my friend Susan at Living Rich On Less. She gave her couch a makeover almost a year ago, and ever since she did, I added it to my list of things to do!
The first thing I did for this makeover was wash all of our couch cushion & throw pillow covers! This was pretty easy to do since all of our cushion covers have zippers on them. However, despite this fact, I had never thrown them in the washing machine before…..
I know, gross, right?!
Let me just tell you, I had NO IDEA how filthy those things were until I washed them! It was unbelievable!
I washed all of the cushion & throw pillow covers in our washing machine on a regular wash cycle. The throw pillow covers were thrown in the dryer, but the couch cushion covers I hung outside to dry. I was a little scared that they may shrink in the dryer and that I might never get the cushions back inside them!
The cushions on the back of our couch do not come off, but they do still have the zipper enclosures underneath. I bought a 10lb box of Poly-Fil at our local Walmart store for $20.00 and used it to add more stuffing to the back cushions. I just unzipped the cushions & stuffed! Easy peasy!! You can see by looking at the picture below, that this in itself, made a HUGE difference in our couch!
I also used the Poly-Fil to re-stuff our throw pillows. These are the SAME throw pillows that came with the couch 6 years ago. After washing them & adding the new Poly-Fil, they literally looked BRAND NEW! I couldn’t believe the difference!
As far as the seat cushions go, I perked them up a bit using some Poly-Fil Quilt Batting. Again, I bought the batting at our local Walmart. It was around $9.00. I actually went through two packages on the couch. I’m gonna have to go back & get some more to finish up our love seat! You can see the “before” photo of the cushion in the upper right hand corner of the photo below & the “after” photo underneath. I added 3 layers of quilt batting to the cushion before putting it back into it’s cover.
To prevent the quilt batting from shifting inside the cover, I secured each layer with a spray adhesive that I purchased at Hobby Lobby. I simply sprayed a layer of the adhesive between each layer of quilt batting.
Here is what the couch looked like when I was finished….
I am absolutely thrilled with how it turned out!!
And now I’m kicking myself for waiting so long to do it!
Here is an up close “before & after” comparison. Quite the difference, wouldn’t you say?!
So…..moral of the story?!
If your couch is looking a little saggy….it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s time to replace it!
Just a make a trip to Walmart for some Poly-Fil & quilt batting and you’ll have yourself a brand new couch in no time!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Have yourself a lovely day! 🙂
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That is great!! I know that it is an easy fix to restuff your cushions,,,just one that we procrastinate on! Your couch is smiling!!
Way to go! I did this once years ago to a different couch we had. Amazing the difference it makes. I was so scared to wash the parts but figured we didn’t have anything to lose. Also, we had a leather chair years ago that got all saggy. I zipped it open and stuffed a new pillow inside the leather. Worked like a charm!
Thank you so much for sharing! I ran across this on Pinterest and I’m going to go buy my supplies today!!
What a great idea, I have been thinking about doing this to my sofa for a while now. But I really want a new sofa in my heart, but your transformation looks great and I bet it is more comfortable to sit on too.
Great idea!
I used to work for a company that did custom pillows and cushions. FYI sometimes cushions sometimes are hard to stuff, a trick is to put the foam in a thin plastic bag, suck the air out with a vacuum then insert in the cover and tear out bag and close zipper.
Happy homemaking,
OMG WOW!! I so would of never thought of that! I always fight with the stupid things. Thank you for the awesome idea!!
I was just searching for ideas on how to fluff up old saggy couch cushions and found this blog post, and it just goes to show, always read the comments. Genius fix for those hard to stuff cushions.
Ingenious! Thank you.
Great idea, but how do you sick the air or if the bag without sticking the filing up too??
whoa, great tip! beats making sure i have the throw pillows covering it all!
Woohoo…so excited to see these tips! Ours is an Ashley sofa too, and I NEVER thought to unzip the covers and remove the foam!
Your couch looks great, Tonya! Thanks for the shout out. I actually just re-washed my cushions again the other day. A dog and kids are hard on my poor couch. This time I added a layer of quilt batting to the back cushions before I re-stuffed them. So I essentially lined each back cushion with a thin layer of the batting first, then re-stuffed them with their poly-fil. I think it helps reduce any lumpiness that can happen with poly-fil. Great idea to use spray adhesive, BTW. I haven’t had any real probs with shifting, but this would definitely keep it from happening.
I’ve been following your amazing blog for a while now. Love it! Your couch looks wonderful. Just wanted you to know the one sad side of my sectional says, “Thank you for saving his life!” Who knew!? Thanks for posting! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Day late and now I am a couple thousand short. Ordered new couches and put the others on Craigslist for free yesterday, got about 10 e-mails in 15 minutes so they were gone fast. Hope that person sees your site to make them look pretty again.
Clearly, my spiritual gift is NOT realizing that a girl could do this sort of thing to a sofa! Oh. My. Lands!!! Your “new” sofa looks AH-MAZING, and now I’m going to try it at my house. And I might take it a step further and vacuum up all the Goldfish crackers that have died beneath the cushions… as well as the Nerf gun darts… and the petrified pieces of string cheese… and the Matchbox cars… and the small farm animals that COULD BE living there, unnoticed, because there’s enough food to sustain them for eight weeks…
I’ve been popping in and out of your blog for a while now, and I just love it. I think I should have you over for coffee sometime; I’m sure we’d get along famously. And then, when your cup was empty, you could say, “Well… why don’t we start redecorating your house together, and by TOGETHER, I mean WHY DON’T YOU LET ME REDECORATE IT FOR YOU, while you go buy donuts at the store.” Your house is darling, and your blog is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
Awesome ideas! Thank you for sharing this! I am in a bit of a financial crunch and have been wanting a new sofa because mine has Saggy Sofa Syndrome also. There is no way I can buy a new one right now. I can buy a new one but this will revitalize my current sofa! Yay!!!
Sorry but I should have proof read my last comment. I guess I was so happy for a solution that I couldn’t even type correctly!
Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home
Great tutorial!
Thanks so much for sharing,
Wow, what a difference! Our couch is only a year old, but I’m certainly keeping this post in mind when it eventually gets worn out! Thanks!
The couch looks amazing! Did you spray the adhesive on the foam too? Or just in between the batting?
Wow, Tonya! This is amazing! Looks so much better and so great that you were able to fix it for so cheap instead of replacing. We have a tan leather couch – sure wish we could do the same to our cushions but no zippers and the bottom cushions aren’t detachable. Definitely will buy something different when we buy a new couch in a few years.
I recently did a make over on my Ashley sofa and loveseat as well… My daughter and I to firm up the bottom ran zp ties in a crisscross pattern hru all the springs underneath the cushions… Big project…
Hi- I think I need to do this, or something similar. (in addition to saggy cushion suggestions!) Feel like maybe? the springs are shot- like so hard to get out of the sofa and with my bad back I don’t even want to sit on it. Someone suggested putting a board underneath the cushions. Did your solution help? Can you explain what you did?
You can cut a piece of board to put under your cushions for more support alsi
I was wondering about the back cushions as to cleaning them. Yes, I can wash the seat cushions in the machine,but, I cannot take Off the back cushions. What is the best way to clean those back cushions still attached to the couch? I Love this idea! I am going to do it this week!!
You can put the covers in the dryer. Put in on the lowest setting with heat for 10 or 15 minutes and voila! done. It doesn’t shrink the fabric, but it makes it fit the foam snugly.
I have small children and I’m a pro at cleaning the couch, but the idea to re-stuff the thing never occurred to me. Great idea!
Another tip: If you have a carpet cleaner with a hand held hose then you can clean the none removable parts like the back or the arms. This has saved me from mystery smears on more than one occasion.
Thank you for the awesome advice I can’t wait to transform all three of our couches.
This is amazing!!!! I am totally trying this out.
I love this! Thank you. I just am amazed at all your wonderful ideas. Keep us updated!
WOW – it looks amazing! Great job!
My husband was complaining of itchy eyes when he sat on the couch, so we washed the cushion covers. It took four wash cycles to come out clear. GROSS! My husband said it made the couch turn a different color. Now I need to add some stuffing to make her look nice and new.
I think it’s a great looking sofa, especially now. I saw this and was curious to see how you did it since my daughter has one like it. Ashley furniture is not the best and won’t last but this is extending the life of your sofa and I am sure many others that see it until you can afford better quality. I will have to pass this idea on…thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for this info. We have the exact same couch so I knew if you did it that it would work! It did! My couch is happy and so am I!
Shut the front door! That looks fabulous! I also have an Ashley couch that suffers from saggy couch syndrome I never knew that there was a zipper under the top cushions but sure enough! Great tips I’m definitely adding this to my to do list 🙂
All good except the highly flammable adhesive – not a good idea for sofas.
Thank you for this great tutorial you are truly a life saver. I am currently renovating my house and a new couch simply doesn’t fit the budget right now. I will be applying your ideas to my microfiber couch this week.
BEST POST I’ve come across in a LONG time! You may have just saved me several THOUSAND dollars because I was ready to get a new couch!
If you own a steamer you should stem the cushions. The foam dries out and by steaming them you are adding back moister and the cushions will be even more comfy. My cushions got about an inch higher after doing this. I do this to mine about once a year and if it weren’t for the cat my couch would look brand new. Your’s looks great an now I want to recover mine even more. 🙂
I reallyyyy wanna try this with ny sofa but unfortunately nothing on my sofa is removable. Any tips?
What material is the fabric on your couch? Ours is microfiber and I don’t know if it can be washed in the washing machine.
I have a microfiber couch and we just wash them in the washer and dryer and I haven’t had any issues so far. They get washed often too since I have three kids and a husband who are not easy on the couch. lol
Thank you so much for this post! I recently had to wash one of my cushion covers after a pet accident. I wanted to do the rest of them but I was nervous about taking all the covers off (shrinkage). Some of the cushions could also use some firming up. Your before and after pictures have given me the final push to tackle this project!
I did something similar with my back cushions (the seats were ok, just had saggy back ones) but I used the stuffing out of spare old bed pillows that I had acquired while on the hunt for that ‘perfect pillow’! So not only did I fix my cushions for next to nothing, but I took care of my storage problem with too many pillows around the condo. Love my couch now.
You just saved me! We also have a Ashley furniture couch – I think its the Darcy- people sit down and fall in! I will totally be telling my husband about this so we can save our couch!
Now do you have any tips to make people sit against the back cushion rather than down? My back cushions are all u-shaped from people sliding down the back as they sit. 🙁
Awesome tip! Our old couch looks so terrible but we can’t afford to replace it, this might do the trick! Thank you!
Oh great now I have another project to add to my list! 😉 Thanks for the tutorial. I’m wondering how easy/hard it was to get the cushions back into the covers. Squeezing the air out then sliding them in makes sense, but I’m having trouble visualizing how you would then take out the plastic back used? Would you cut it then pull it it out? Thanks again, will do this soon!!
I know this is too late for you, but I found a product called Super Slip Silicon by Sluyder. Just spray it on the cushion and it slides right into the cover. I fought my first cushion project for my boat and was so relieved when my foam shop gave me a can of this to try.
This is awesome, thank you! Just curious…has anyone else looked for the polyfil? When I look it up at Walmart it costs $67 for the same exact thing! Is there a sudden demand on this stuff and they’ve tripled the price? Has anyone found a better place to buy it?
Thank you so much for posting this! I saw it on pinterest and figured we should give it a shot. holy cow, what a difference it made! i’m sitting on my brand new, old couch right now and it’s AWESOME. thanks again!!
I recently finished the back cushions, they look fantastic! We had forgotten how they originally looked. I’m going to start on the seat cushions, wrapping them.I’m excited to see how the finished couch/ chair look.What a great idea this is. For under $100.00 we have furniture that looks almost new again.Not bad, seeing how we bought them back in 2001!!!
I just finished this project (thanks to you!) and my couch looks amazing!!! Thanks for the tutorial!!!!!
I just finished redoing after reading your pinterest idea about fixing cushions. I didn’t have spray glue but did have quilt thread. I am so happy I could not find new sofa……mine looks new again…….thank you for good pictures to help me see and do a awesome job.
I was about to throw my couch out. Thanks now I’m going to try this this week
We have an Ashley sofa too and still love it after several years (and you can tell exactly where everyone likes to sit).
How did I not know the back cushions had zippers?? I just had to check and see for myself, lo and behold there they are. Now I’ll have to get some poly-fill and perk her back up! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your tips.
Awesome job! But I have to share this. My husband and I were “looking” at new sofas, love seats and recliners the other day. When I got to thinking about how old our couch was, I realized it is OVER 20 years old!!! We purchased it at Montgomery Ward and bought a stain protection plan for it! Unfortunately, Montgomery Ward went bankrupt while we were in the middle of the replacement plan! It is very well made so I’m thinking maybe I should have it reupholstered rather than getting a new one. Thoughts???
nothing will come off my sofa..so what do i do.? got a recliner, and the seat cushion is soooooooooooo saggy……but don’t know how 2 fix it either.i think it is the material.
I also have a really old Ashley couch! It has been great until now. Did you check to see if the springs were all still as “springy” as the ones where it doesn’t sag? I was wondering if you did and if so, did increasing the stuffing compensate for the weakened springs? Thank you so much!
I’m certain the the springs are bad. The increased stuffing has definitely compensated. However, I think putting a thin piece of plywood and/or Luan under the cushions would help even more.
Oh, and how many of those packages of quilt batting did you use?
two packages
I love this and will be doing it this weekend. Question: did you dry the cushion covers in the dryer or do you think it would be better to air dry? Thank you!
Hi Meagan!
I did air dry them. I was scared that they might shrink in the dryer!
I love this idea, but I have a question – when you washed the cushion covers, didn’t they look VERY clean compared to the cloth on the arms and the cloth below the seat cushions (part that was not washed)? I love the idea to fix the saggy syndrome, but am afraid to wash the cushion covers due to them having two distinct colors – one the washed fabric and the other the unwashed fabric. That does not seem to be the case from your photos, but I was wondering.
Thanks for the great tips!
Hi Nancy!
You would think so, but I couldn’t seen a big difference in the freshly washed cushion covers and the arms of the couch. Good luck on your makeover!
Thanks! I plan to try it as soon as weather cools down. It’s too nice now to be cleaning couches. But the first cold weekend I will do it. Thank you for the great suggestions.
Great Makeover..Helpful tip..to bypass the need for so much batting on the seat cushions..Steam the Foam inserts with a fabric steamer..the steam reopens the cells of the Urethane.I would recommend removing the old batting before doing it and reattaching after the foam dries as it will be moist fr the steamer
yeah… This sounds awesome! My couch doesn’t have zippers on the ‘pillows’ 🙁
How would you fix coach where the cushions are attached
Thank you
I am so sad to say this did not work for me!! 🙁 I just did it and when i put the cushions back on there is a 3-4 in gap between the cushions! I know that the fabric did not shrink because I have washed the covers before. I think it’s just that they are so stuffed that theres not enough fabric on the sides. Not sure exactly how to explain it. But now i’ll have to take it all out I guess… I’m not sure what to do! It’s terrible… haha. Glad it works for others though. My couch has two cushions, not three. Maybe that is why as well.
If you are having difficulty getting cushions into covers put them into a plastic refuse bag and use a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out. Keep the nozzle pressed against the foam. Twist the opening of the bag and hold it while you put the shrunken cushion back in the cover. When the cushion is in place rip the plastic bag to remove it. Give the vacuum cleaner a rest between cushions.
Hi Tonya,
Thank you very much for these tips, really excited about doing mine. Although the labels on my sofas say DO NOT SOAK, so I’m a bit apprehensive about putting covers in the wash in case I damage them. What do you think?
My couch desperately needs a wash but my concern is that the tag specifically states, “Never remover cushion covers for separate dry cleaning or washing even though they have zippers.” It goes on to say that there’s a chance they will shrink or “damage the upholstery fabric.” However, my sofa looks almost identical to the one pictured with that fake suede like fabric and another label states the covers are 100% polyester. So I’m wondering if the wash warning label is mostly only there for legal reasons and that the cushions will most likely not shrink…? I thought polyester was not a shrink-in-the-wash fabric…? Please help! I have the above post from Jessie stuck in my mind too.
Thank you so much for this! My Ashley couch was also suffering from saggy cushions and I was afraid I was going to have to replace it. However, thanks to your awesome idea my couch has a new lease on life! Thank you again
Many expressed concerns about color changing and shrinking after washing covers. My wife has been very successful preventing this by using Woolite brand detergent, instead of regular detergents. The color is not faded by the washing. She always air dries the fabrics afterwards.
Just a word of caution from one who’s been there, done that……make sure your cushion covers are washable!!! Some are dry clean only and will shrink like crazy in the wash…..our cat yacked on our sofa so I washed the covers….there was a 6″ space on each end of the sofa when I finally got the cushions back into those itty bitty covers!!
I’m so glad I came across this! I was just looking yesterday at new couches because ours is just so sad and saggy. It’s nearly 8 years old, but it really is a great couch. It just needs some tlc. Now I can tell my husband we don’t need to spend a bunch of money on a new couch when we can just fluff ours back up on the cheap!
Wow, sounds like Ashley has a reputation of junk furniture. I refuse to buy from them again, My couch got saggy within 2 months and they refused to replace the back pillows. I am going to use my 40% off coupon at Joannes and buy a box of fiberfill and try this.
So happy I found this post!!!! We have a large sectional with 10 pillows for back cushions and then the typical chase area of sectional and the two regular seating area. It has gotten the saggy cushion syndrome. It is under 3 years old but gets a lot of use. I just within a few minutes ago used a old bed pillow and cut it open and used a portion of the stuffing to refill two of the 10 pillows. Holy wow has it made a night and day difference. Tomorrow I am making a run to Walmart to get the other material for the cushions and chase cushion area. I cannot wait to see the difference. I also will take the other remaining old bed pillows we have laying around and use their filling to restuff the other 8 large pillows I have for the back cushions. Thank you so much for this post!!!!!
Thank you very much. Just what I need. Thank you again . I have the piece of wood already under but the cushions are getting thin. Thsnks
Would this work with cotton batting instead of poly? I found Warm & Plush that looks to be thicker than typical cotton batting, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not. :-\
So I’m going to try to do this project when I can get the kids and hubby out of the house. I just checked out my couch and I think I have the same landscape. I was wondering if you used the entire 10 lb box of poly fill on the couch? I’m debating on getting another package to do the love seat, but since I’m stationed overseas Walmart is very far away 🙁 A box of poly fill runs about $50, so a little pricey of a project here. Just wanted to make sure before I buy two boxes and only use one. TIA!
I followed your directions and my couch now looks so good! I have this great red couch that I didn’t want to get rid of but it looked so worn. now it looks almost new!!! Thank you!!!
Very Cool! I’m going to have to help people I know with saggy couch syndrome! Thanks for posting 🙂 Any Tips on reupholstering an 80’s couch?
Lyndsey Stang
Thank you so much for this great idea!!!! I’m jumping by up and down at what my family room is good by to look like this Spring!!!
Is your couch microfiber? It looks like it, but can’t tell for sure. Just curious if you’re able to throw the microfiber covers in the wash?
Im curious about the microfiber thing too!
Great solution, but the Poly-Fil I’m seeing is over $40 for a 10-lb. box. Still cheaper than a new couch, but not as cheap as it was for you.
Thanks so much for sharing this – your couch looks great! I am going to try it on mine!
Thank you for posting this DIY project. I followed your instructions and gave my sectional a face lift. It looks like new!
You are brilliant. Thank you.
Walmart has 10lb box of poly fill for $19.97. I did this today and my furniture looks amazing! I used 10 lb. poly fill on 4 back pillows, 2 throw pillows and 3 seat cushions. Great tutorial!! Thank you!!
I pinned this over a year ago and actually did it yesterday. Your instructions are perfect and I’m thrilled with the results. It brought new life to the cushions of an old but, otherwise good condition love seat/couch set. Thanks so much for the info!
I pinned this over a year ago and actually did this yesterday. Your instructions are perfect and I love the end result. It brought new life to an old but, otherwise good condition love seat/couch set. Thanks so much for the info!
I pinned this over a year ago and actually did this yesterday. Your instructions are perfect and I’m thrilled with the end result. It brought new life to an old but, otherwise good condition love seat/couch set. Thanks so much for the info!
My lounge is leather and whilst the back cushions have zippers and are fortunately quite full. The seat cushions are the problem and are sagging. However the seat cushions have no zips. They are attached to the base by cloth. I want to be able to puff up the seats as you suggest, but I’m concerned about sewing them back up. Will it hold, how do you suggest I try and do this? Really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.
I just read your post and you did a great job! For future references if you own an Ashley sofa/love they will send replacement cushions and/or polyfil free of charge! Check with the retailer also in some cases they will handle contacting Ashley for you and have the cushions shipped for you or in some instances have them already in stock
I am going to have to try this…maybe tomorrow! My couch has 2 seats and a chaise connected to it. I’ve tried to take the cushions out before and got scared when they “resisted.” My couch has stains where I tried to clean it with baking soda and vinegar. There are “rings” where I cleaned. My husband and I were going to look at couches just last night when another “thing to do” got in the way. I can’t wait to try this…maybe we won’t need a new sofa after all!
Read this article and decided to give it a try…. BRAND. NEW. COUCH. Now we can keep our couch for many more years to come, THANK YOU! Share on my facebook so others can try it too 🙂
You rock! This is just what i need to fix my couch thanks so much
I don’t see the before and after pictures. I really need to do this with ours. Happy I accidentally came across this page. Is there any other way to see it. Im on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 phone but haven’t had trouble viewing pics before. Idk if this will let me but could someone email them to me. PLEASE.
Putting a carpet remnant under the springs from the bottom of chairs or couches can firm up the seat.
I am SO GLAD I came across this!! I did it to my couch, love seat and chair immediately after seeing this and it worked wonders!! We may have even overstuffed it a bit, but thats OK!! Also went to Walmart, spent about $100 but, completely worth it. My couches are only 5 years old and we were considering buying new already! So glad I don’t have to! Thank you!!
I am in the middle of this project right now 🙂 so glad I found your how to! I see a lot of people asking about how to clean the “non removable” parts of the couch, ours is a brown micro fiber sectional, and I’ve always used rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and it works great… It dries fast so it doesn’t leave “water marks” like cleaners do! Hope this helps 😉
I am definitely going to try this with the rubbing alcohol. Thanks for sharing.
yes!!!!! i am running to walmart now. i love my sectional but i have the same problem as you. i will be starting on this project tonight.
I am wondering how this project has held up for anyone who has tried it. I have a friend who said hers went flat after a few weeks with using this method. I would love to do this for my couches, but don’t want to waste my time if it goes flat shortly after.
O-M-G!!! Thank you for sharing!!! I tried it, and I am so happy with the outcome. Very affordable and easy to do. :]
You do not have a fix for leather couches that are all attached do you?
Awesome! Exactly the perfect inspiration that I needed. That is my next weekend project! xoxo
Hi! Did you spray adhesive between the couch foam and batting, or just between layers of batting? Thanks! This is awesome and I can’t wait to try it!
Thanks so much. this post was very helpful!!
I’m afraid if I take off the bottom covers and wash them I’ll never get the cushions back in!