Hey Everyone!
I hope you’re having a great weekend! We have unfortunately been hit with another round of the stomach flu! Uggh! Merry Christmas to us, right?!
So far, it has just affected Parker. He woke up at 3:45am puking! If you remember, Bobby, Griffin & I had the stomach flu about 6 weeks ago. I’m hoping that Parker has the same strain of the virus that Griffin & I had, so that maybe we will be immune this go round! Fingers crossed!! I am hosting Christmas Eve at our house on Tuesday night, so I’m praying that everyone will be healthy by then!
I told you last week, that I finally got my dining room area decorated for Christmas. We have had lots of rain this weekend, so it has been rather gloomy. With the lack of sunshine, I wasn’t able to photograph the whole space to share with you today, but I did want to give you a little sneak peek and share my Christmas Place Settings! I’m also gonna show you how I made these easy, no-sew flatware pouches!
When Bobby & I traveled to Chicago last weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting Crate & Barrel for the first time! They had so many pretty things! I especially loved browsing thru their Christmas decor. I came across these adorable Linen Flatware Pouches. And immediately wanted to bring some home with me. They were inexpensive at just $3.95 a piece, but all they were only available with the red ribbon. As you know, I’ve gone neutral with my Christmas decor this year, so I knew the red wasn’t going to work 🙁
When we got back from our trip, the only Christmas decorating that I really had left to do was in the kitchen/dining area. I wanted to whip up a simple & inexpensive tablescape, and I just couldn’t get those little pouches off my brain. So, what’s a girl to do when she wants something that bad?! Make her own of course! 🙂
I made a little trip to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few items…..
I already had the burlap on hand at home, so I picked up a narrow white ribbon & some cute little chalkboard tags to add a personalized touch to each pouch. Pay no attention to the white felt in the photo….I had an idea for it, but decided I liked the pouches better without! In addition to the burlap, ribbon, & chalkboard tags (these are optional), the only other supplies you will need are hot glue sticks & a glue gun!
I started by grabbing a set of my flatware & figuring out how much burlap I would need. I made my pouch by cutting the burlap to the desired size, folding it in half, and then hot gluing the sides together.
Once I had my pouch, I just cut a small slit on the outside edge of the burlap to make a small hole.
Then I stuck my ribbon through the hole. I repeated these steps on the other side of the pouch as well and pulled the opposite end of the ribbon through the opposing hole.
Once both ends of the ribbon were pulled through the holes, I simply tied them in a bow.
And just to add a little personalized touch to each one, I decided to add the small chalkboard tags to each pouch. I cut off the twine that came on the tags and just hot glued them onto the pouches.
My mom bought me some new dishes for my birthday this year & I was thrilled to put them to use in my tablescape! Aren’t they pretty?!
I had come across a Natural Christmas Tablescape on Pinterest which used book pages for placemats. I loved the idea & decided to incorporate it into my table settings this year. I have a few book page ornaments on my Christmas tree anyway, so it kept with the theme & tied things together nicely. I also couldn’t help but add just a little greenery to each place setting. I love the little bit of color it adds to the otherwise neutral table.
You are getting a larger sneak peek of my tablescape in the photo below. I hope to be able to share the full table with you soon and also some photos of the dining area as a whole. Praying that the sun makes an appearance tomorrow in order for me to snag a few pics. However, I might have to wait and share them after Christmas. Is that totally lame?!
You know what they say….Better late than never!! 🙂
At least things will be ready to go for my dinner guests on Christmas Eve!
Are you doing any entertaining for Christmas this year?!
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

I love these!! I did not know HobLobs sold little chalkboard tags, I love those! I hope your family stays well, there is a second strain of the stomach flu going around at school. Fortunately, the kids are out now for 2 weeks so maybe it’ll die down. We have avoided both strains so far… (knock on wood!).
I love the idea of the pouches, especially cause they look so easy to make. Hope everyone in the house is feeling better. Merry christmas.
Love these! And the plates are AWEsome!
I love your burlap pouches! We have enjoyed having a neighborhood potluck, 2 supper meals, a games and snack night, and will host brunch on the 26th… So enjoying our renoed home and sharing the Christmas spirit with our family and friends. I hope your little guy feels better! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful ideas with s this year! Merry Christmas to you!
I just love these!!
how wide is the burlap that you used?