No Sew Ruffle Tree Skirt with Video Tutorial

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Hey Friends!

Happy Tuesday to you all! Are you having a good week so far?

I told you last week, that I have been busy working on a few Christmas projects, so I thought I would share one of those projects with you today! I hope that’s okay with y’all! Are you in the mood for some Christmas decorating?! 🙂

We bought a new Christmas at Target a couple weeks ago, so naturally as soon as I got home, I HAD to put it up! Literally, my tree has been up since November 11th people! I’ve always liked to get the tree up early, but this is the earliest it has ever been up at our house.  I’m not ashamed…in fact, I’ve loved every minute of it! I’m one of those people who likes to decorate a lot for Christmas, so it usually take a few weeks to get it all done. That is part of the reason why I start so early.

Anyway, because it was a new tree, I thought it was time to change up our tree decor just a little bit.  So I went out & bought a few new ornaments, but decided to save some money & make a new tree skirt. I wanted something neutral, but something that would add some personality & a little flare to our tree. I wanted something I could make easily, and preferably something that didn’t require the use of a sewing machine. And voila….the NO SEW Ruffle Tree Skirt was born. Not really born, just made! 🙂

DIY Ruffled Christmas Tree Skirt with Video Tutorial

This project was seriously easy peasy y’all! So, please don’t be intimidated! If you can use a pair of scissors & operate a hot glue gun, you are GOLDEN!

There are several ruffled tree skirt tutorials online. The one that originally sparked my interest & was the deciding factor was the tutorial that Miss Mustard Seed did for HGTV a couple years back. However, I researched a few different tutorials before starting the project (I will provide links to those tutorials at the end of this post) and also discussed the project with my mom before I started.  She has some great suggestions/tips on how to pull this project off without spending a lot of money, but still get a quality tree skirt for our Christmas tree.

I started with this Duck Cloth Canvas that I purchased at Walmart. It came in 2 yd package for $7.99 and would serve as the base of my tree skirt.

ruffled tree skirt 1

The fabric wasn’t wide enough for me to cut out a full circle for the tree skirt, so I worked from the two ends of the fabric & cut out half circles instead. Then I glued those two half circles together. Here is how I did it:

First, I measured in 2 inches from the ends of the fabric. This would later serve as my overlap when I glued the two half circles together.

ruffled tree skirt 2


Then I needed to figure out the diameter of my circle (or tree skirt). In order to do that, I found the center of the fabric & measured to the outside edge. The fabric was a total of 45 inches wide, which made my diameter 22.5″.

ruffled tree skirt 6


Then starting at my center point, I measure out 22.5″.

ruffled tree skirt 4


Using my measuring tape kind of like a compass, I made a half circle by keeping it at the center point, but moving it the tape down the fabric & measuring out 22.5″ each time. I repeated this process going the other direction as well.

ruffled tree skirt 5


Once I had my fabric marked, then I cut out my half circle with a pair of scissors.

ruffled tree skirt 8

You will want to repeat those steps on the opposite end of the fabric to create your other half circle. Then, you will glue them together using your hot glue gun. Remember to use your 2 inch overlap for piecing the fabric together. You will only glue the front of the skirt together & leave the backside of the skirt open to wrap around the base of your tree.

ruffled tree skirt 20

ruffled tree skirt 35

For the ruffle portion of the skirt, I used 4.5 yards of Osenberg fabric that I purchased at Hobby Lobby and cut the fabric into 3.5″ wide strips.

ruffled tree skirt 16

Instead of cutting all the way down the 4.5 yards of fabric, I just simply made a cut in the fabric & then ripped it the rest of the way. I fabric tears easily & also maintains a straight edge….makes things SO MUCH EASIER!

ruffled tree skirt 14

Yes, you will get a little bit of a frayed edge, but that’s okay! It just adds to the cuteness! 🙂

ruffled tree skirt 17

The strips were extremely long since I had 4.5 yards of fabric, so I did cut them into smaller strips just to make them easier to work with. This is completely optional!

Once your strips are all cut, then you are ready to start gluing them to your tree skirt base. You will just make pleats in the fabric & glue them as you go. (See video tutorial below for more direction.)

ruffled tree skirt 11

Each new layer of ruffles should overlap the previous layer by just a little bit. Soon you will get something that looks like this…

ruffled tree skirt 13

And because I am more of a visual learner, I thought I would put together a little video tutorial for you all. If you are confused about how to attach the ruffle to the canvas or how to make the pleats, I think you will find it helpful.



And because every project deserves some beauty shots, here a few more looks at our ruffled tree skirt…

ruffled tree skirt 31 ruffled tree skirt 30



Other ruffled tree skirt tutorials you might find helpful:

No-Sew Ombre Tree Skirt via The DIY Show-Off

Ruffled Tree Skirt Tutorial via Laura Orr Interiors


I will be sharing more detailed photos of our tree with you all next week! I hope you’ll come back then! 🙂


As always, thanks so much for stopping by!

Hope you guys have a terrific Tuesday!!


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  1. I love this!!! It does look really easy!

  2. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks so much!!

  3. That’s so pretty! Love the burlapy/rustic feel!

  4. Thanks. Now that the kids are grown, I need to replace the teddy bear tree skirt. How do I get the opening in the middle for the tree?

  5. Antje Lindner says:

    Hi, I really love the natural look of this tree skirt! I will try and make it.
    I was just wondering if you put anything under the white fabric while you were cluing on the brown fabric – I haven’t worked a lot with the hot glue gun and I think the glue might be sticking to the table through the white fabric?

    Thank you!

  6. I tried finding Osenberg fabric but only found Osnaburg. It looks similar to the one you used so will be using it for this project. Thank you for the detailed tutorial!


  1. […] For DIY Tutorial visit  […]

  2. […] love the new ruffle tree skirt that I made this year! If you missed that post, you can check it out HERE. I even included a video […]

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