Creamy Bacon Ranch Dip (5 Minute Appetizer)

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I have a confession to make…..

We’re friends right?! This is a safe place. You all won’t judge or think any less of me.

Will you?

{Deep Breath} Okay…here goes!

I could LIVE on chips & dip!

I’m seriously confident that I could eat it for every meal & be completely content. For the rest of my life. 

Forget about cookies, cakes, or candy…..

I don’t crave sugar…I crave SALT!

My weakness, without a shadow of a doubt are chips!

Give me a yummy dip to dip them in and IT’S OVER PEOPLE!! I will kill the whole bag in one setting!

No, I am not kidding. Although I really wish I were…

Downing an entire bag of potato chips is not very lady like.

My in-laws had a bonfire/weenie roast this past fall & I was introduced to this yummy dip…..

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I seriously had a hard time parting from the snack table y’all!

Once you start on this stuff, it’s VERY HARD to walk away! Not only is it delicious, but it’s super easy to make! Addicting & convenient? That’s a dangerous combination!

Need an appetizer you can throw together in 5 minutes?! I’ve got you covered.


16 oz. container of sour cream
1 pkg Hidden Valley Ranch dry mix
I pkg real bacon pieces
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup of chopped green onion


Mix all ingredients in a medium size bowl. Serve with Frito Scoops or tortilla chips. Enjoy, but proceed with caution. 😉

What is your food weakness?!

Do you crave sweets or do you prefer salt like me?

Can you eat an entire bag of potato chips by yourself? We should start a support group.

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  1. Yep…me too, EXACTLY!!!!

  2. Hahaha. I am a tastefully simple consultant. I have an unending supply of our beer bread and garlic garlic dip. However Im not opposed to our onion onion dip and a bag of chips!

  3. I am a sucker for guacamole but this looks pretty tasty. Love that it’s super quick!

  4. This looks really yummy! My weakness is chips and dip! I love it!

  5. Oh yes, this is like crack in our house. It is so freaking good! The recipe I have used was without the green onions though. I am going to have try that for next time. My dad loves this dip so much he would eat on sandwiches, lol. Not sure I could go that far, haha.

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