Hey Everyone!
I hope y’all are having a great week!
I know that I’ve been a bit absent from the blog the last few days & AGAIN, I apologize!
I promise I’m not the slacker that you all might think!
I’ve actually been really busy with a rather unplanned room makeover! More details coming on that soon! There have also been some design changes going on with my site! You like?! I hope so!
Anyway….last Friday, I shared some pictures of Parker’s Vintage Baseball Bedroom & told you that even though I am pretty content with his room as is, there are some things I am still wanting to do in there! I thought I would take some time today to talk those plans & share some ideas that having been brewing in my crazy brain!
First of all…..isn’t Pottery Barn just AWESOME?!
I mean seriously, does anyone do it better?!
The perfect room…..the perfect accessories….the fluffy bed linens.
For real though……how do they get their beds to look like that?!
For months now, I have been drooling over that was scoreboard! Isn’t just SOOO CUTE?!
Of course, now that Parker’s bed is in front of the windows in his room, putting the scoreboard above the bed really isn’t an option anymore….
And since I’m really loving the bed in front of the window, I’m not moving it again! Not only do I think that the bed looks better here (previously on the wall where the TV is), but it’s SO much easier to make now that I can walk around both sides of it!
You may have noticed however, that this wall is pretty plain……
“What do you mean Tonya?! There is a giant baseball player on the wall!”
Yes, yes, I know. But, the baseball player can be moved! He is just a decal that peels off easily & can be placed anywhere. I’m thinking that he could stay on this wall, but perhaps move him over & down a bit to make a scoreboard just a little above his bat. It would have to be more horizontal, much like this one.
I found this sign while searching Pinterest earlier today. It even comes with a full tutorial!!
I’m also loving this Pottery Barn room as well….
(Pottery Barn Kids)
I know that this room has nothing to do with baseball OR sports, but I love how the bedding is neutral in terms of a theme, much like Parker’s bedding. Although the room has a “train” or “railway” type them in terms of the decor now, the theme can be easily changed by switching out the wall art, accessories, etc.
I also LOVE the striped around the top of the room as well as the wainscoting along the bottom! I would love to add a stripe to Parker’s room & have been wanting to for a while now, but here’s the thing….I’m kinda SCARED!! I’m always afraid that I won’t be able to tape everything off the right way, that my lines won’t be level, that the paint is gonna bleed through! I’m seriously gonna need some emotional support for this! You hear that MOM?! 🙂
In terms of wainscoting, I would like to install some beadboard or even some board/batten in his room if possible. Who knows how long that might take though!
Between the scoreboard & the stripes I think I’m gonna be busy for a while! 🙂
Have you ever painted stripes on your walls?!
Got any tips for me?! Let’s hear them!

Love the wall color in Parker’s adorable room. Can you let me know the paint color you used? Thanks! Janine. Joeydee19@yahoo.com
Look for the green painters’ tape–it is called Frog tape. Just make sure you have it pressed down all the way. It worked well for me. I did a stripe on one wall in my boys’ room and I was pleased. As for measuring, I just used a few different tools I had on hand–retractable measuring tape, yard stick, level (a longer level would work well) made a few small marks with a pencil, then placed the tape just above or below the marks so that the paint will cover it. Surely someone has posted a video on Youtube about this! And I am sure you can do it!