Hello Ladies!
Just thought I would check-in & update you all on my
little project 🙂
You know, the one that I told you all about yesterday…
So, I showed you some beautiful closets that inspired me to finally tackle this long overdue project &
then showed you the not-so-fabulous “Before” picture…
So, today I decided to stop dreaming about my dream closet & make it a reality!
First thing I did was go through my all of my clothes & had my hubby go through his as well so that we could get rid of all the stuff we don’t wear anymore. We had quite a large load by mid-morning & decided to throw it in the back of the minivan & head over to Goodwill!
While we were there, I scoped the place out for a chandelier I could use in the space, but had no luck!
After we left Goodwill, we headed to Hobby Lobby where I got some stenciling supplies
& then headed to Lowes for paint!
When we got back home it was time to clear out the space!
I can’t even begin to tell you how much CRAP was still crammed into this closet!
I managed to get it all cleaned out….
But was left with this….
Yes, people, that is my bed!!
Don’t Judge Me!
Needless to say, we won’t be sleeping there tonight!
And remember when I said we got rid of some clothes?!
Maybe I should go through & weed out some more, ya think?!
You see that Christmas tree there in the corner…
Yeah, I should have probably taken that down before I started this ridiculously massive project!
Oh, and that’s not all!!
The chaos continues throughout the room & into our master bath as well….
This is what I’m talking about!
What Was I Thinking?!?!
(p.s. this is the part where you all console me & tell me that its all going to be worth it in the end!)
On a brighter note, I did get the space painted today & I’m hoping to start stenciling tomorrow!!
I hope this closet turns out as fabulous as I’m hoping, because, this ladies…
is gonna be A LOT OF WORK!!

It can be nuts how much stuff you fit in a closet over time. It’s hard to be motivated when you have so much stuff to clear out in your closet.