If you are big into blogging, you know the importance of a great camera!
Great pics can make or break a post!
My hubby got me a Canon Rebel T1i Camera for my 30th birthday
this year & I absolutely LOVE it!
Its a great camera & it takes great pictures, but its a lot more
involved than my last camera! I have so much to learn!
In starting this blog & meeting other home decor bloggers through twitter, I am always running across tweets regarding camera straps. Seems like if you have one of these fancy cameras, you need a fancy camera strap to go with it! An accessory if you will…
You know us girls love accessories!
So…I started shopping for camera straps on Etsy. If you aren’t familiar with Etsy it is a wonderful online resource for all kinds of handmade items! They have some great, great stuff!
while shopping for straps I came across
The Polka Dot Bungalow
& fell in LOVE with is gorgeous camera strap!!!
How ADORABLE is this!?!
I HAVE to have one!!!!
After browsing through the shop, I immediately contacted
Stephanie, the owner
& asked her if I could feature her shop on my blog & she kindly said….
So without further delay…
Here are more of Stephanie’s fabulous creations!
The Polka Dot Bungalow offers a wide variety of straps in all colors…
I am certain you will find one that you like!
They are all fantastic!!!
And not only does the Polka Dot Bungalow offer cute camera straps…
but it also offers these adorable car seat canopies!
So cute! And perfect for keeping your little one sheltered from the cold or the sun!
Do you have a baby shower coming up?
This would make a great shower gift!
Not only is it adorable, but its unique!
And last, but not least these adorable flower pins!
These are great for adding a little spice to that boring shirt, sweater, or jacket!
So if you have never visited the Polka Dot Bungalow before…
please take the time to visit now! I promise you won’t be let down!
You can also visit her blog…
And if you are really awesome you will go to her facebook page & click “like this” to become a fan!
Needless to say….
I heart the Polka Dot Bungalow
& I’m pretty sure you will too!!!

You are just the sweetest thing EVER! Thank you for blogging about my shop!
I swear…. some of these gals are just so creative… I love how they just come up with a design out of thin air.
Those are the pretties little camera straps that I have seen!! I will have to go check those out!!