I know many of you are just as sick of this winter weather as I am…
In the last couple of weeks, it seems like we have been getting a little bit of a break from the bitter cold temps & getting a small taste of that spring weather we are all longing for! One of my favorite things about spring is getting outside & working in my flower beds! Oh how I long for flowers & pretty green grass!!
A week or so ago the Thrifty Decor Chick did a quick & easy DIY project that inspired me! You can read about this project by clicking here and here. I absolutely LOVE tulips…especially pink ones & I had been looking for a pretty white pitcher for my kitchen table for some time now. I found this one at Target for $14.00 and scored some after-valentine’s-day tulips marked down to $2.50 a bundle at Walmart yesterday! Put the tulips in the pitcher (with some water of course) and
VOILA…quick & easy (& beautiful) centerpiece!!
I have been working on taking pictures using the manual mode on my camera & learning more about aperture, shutter speed, etc. Teresa at Meadowbrook Farm has been giving some wonderful information on her blog about this subject & has been sparking my interest in photography a little more. Visit Teresa’s blog & swoon (I promise you will) over her gorgeous photos!!!
Hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I do!!
I may or may not have spent an hour taking them!!! 🙂
Remember even though it isn’t spring outside, doesn’t mean you can’t bring spring inside your home!!
Now everytime I walk past my kitchen I smile!!
I will be linking this project up at…
20 Below Thursday’s at Christina’s Adventures
Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest
Feature Yourself Friday at Fingerprints on the Fridge
I’m Lovin’ It at Tidy Mom
Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots & Jello
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table & Dreaming
Sundae Scoop Party at I Heart Naptime
Spring Fling at This Blessed Nest