25 Things…

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ย I am trying something new today!

I don’t know if you all have met Shaunna from Perfectly Imperfect….I kinda LOVE her!!

She has been doing this new thing on her blog each week called “25 Things” where she rambles on about all of the randomness in her mind & in her life!

I love reading her posts & last week she mentioned she was thinking about having a “25 Things Linky Party” and I thought it would be FUN to participate!

Come on…you know you all want to hear about all of my random day to day events, right?!

1.) I’m so excited about Blissdom, I can hardly stand it!!

2.) Have you all tried the Honey BBQ twisted Fritos?! DELICIOUS!!

3.) I may or may not be averaging one small grab bag weekly. Ahem.

4.) Griffin is a dancing machine. His favorite song right now?! “Sexy & I Know It” by LMFAO. Not quite age appropriate…I know!

5.) He is equally obsessed with the Justin Beiber Wedding Surprise video on YouTube. We seriously, have to watch it at least twice daily. If you haven’t seen it, you can view it HERE.

6.) I’m ready for the time to change again! I NEED more daylight! I want to be able to start walking again in the evenings, but now every time the opportunity presents itself, its already dark out! Grrr.

7.) I want my walking to eventually turn into running/jogging.

8.) I secretly want to be able to run a 5k at some point before the end of the year, but I have yet to say that out loud.

9.) Well, at least til now. You all have to hold me accountable….ummm k?

10.) Last Wednesday, Griffin pooped in the bathtub, not once, but twice! Nothing like cleaning up the mess, just to have to turn around & clean it again! Bath time was over STAT!

11.) Parker thought it was HILARIOUS of course, & was calling him Poop Master for the rest of the night! Never a dull moment with a house full of boys!

12.) Before Christmas, I started reading the Hunger Games trilogy. I seriously, knocked out the first two books in less than a week. They are ADDICTING, I tell ya!

13.) I got the third book for Christmas, but have yet to start it because I have had so many projects going on. When I start it, I don’t want to be able to devote my time to reading only. Therefore, I keep holding off!

14.) I’m loving all of the great shows on TV right now! Between Idol & The Voice, I’m seriously in reality TV Heaven!

15.) I also started watching SMASH last night! I’ve loved Katherine McPhee ever since her days on Idol. I’m really looking forward to this show! I think its going to be great!

16.) I got some new lamps last night at Lowes & I’m kinda in LOVE with them! Can’t wait to show them to you guys!

17.) I got to go on a REAL date with my hubby this past weekend….like, got to wear a cute little cocktail dress & get all dolled up kinda date! It was so fun!

18.) My husband didn’t understand why it took me 4 hours to get ready on Saturday before leaving on our date!

19.) Men really have no concept of what us women go through to look beautiful! I had to do my nails, apply a self-tanner for color, pluck my eyebrows, do my hair, my make-up! It was EXHAUSTING!

20.) My Craigslist dresser….well, between date night on Saturday & the Superbowl this past weekend, let’s just say it didn’t get touched!!

21.) I’m LOVING this Ruffled Bible Cover from Gathered & Sown! I must order one SOON!

22.) Today, I will go back into my state of depression as I realize that tomorrow starts the beginning of my work week again!ย 

23.) I LOATHE Thursdays & Fridays!

24.) Mom & I started a project yesterday afternoon that I’m pretty EXCITED about! I really think they are going to turn out cute!

25.) I bought 2 new scarfs last week! I REALLY don’t need anymore scarfs! Why can’t I stop?!

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  1. i love your 25 things. i’m halfway through the first hunger games book and then i started a class. i can’t wait to get back to it. and i love the voice and am excited about more smash too.

  2. this was so fun to read! i read all the hunger games and LOVED the series. you and i could watch tv together… seriously. i love idol and the voice and watched smash, too! and i am a huge mcphee fan- or maybe crush.
    i am trying to start running again- used to run a few miles a couple times a week and now we are in a very hilly area and i have been walking only and also turning to mush. i walk at 6:30 in the morning- i love it then because the world is peaceful and i get some nice quiet alone time to start my day. and i take one of my dogs and it’s special for him, too. oh and you can run a 5k. i have done a few and they are not bad— i am slow and i accept that, and i just do it for fun(ok maybe fun is not the right word…. )

  3. Tonya, thanks so much for including me in your 25 things! Me and my bible covers are so flattered ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’ll have to check out that linky party sometime, it sounds like a fun one!

  4. totally with ya on the hunger game being addicting … i’m finishing up the second book now and i seriously wanted to stay up all night last night to finish it!

  5. Love to hear that your boys are singing songs that aren’t age appropriate…my girls do that too and I’m always shocked…glad they don’t really make any sense of these words…or do they?!

  6. You can never have too many scarves!!!! Cute blog — thank you for sharing your 25 things, and stopping by my little bloggie modern garden! – Greta

  7. never stop buying scarves … they make an outfit. i bet they will look great on your. glad to find you due to the link up party. (:

  8. Hi Tonya. Tonya here from My Cozy Little Farmhouse. It is nice to see another Tonya who spells her name the same way! haha

    BTW the bath time poop story—hilarious! (Ok maybe not to you) but when my daughter was getting potty trained (oh like 23 yrs ago…sniffle) she pooped on my mom’s bed. Picked it up and said look Mammaw I poot. Hence the nickname pooter was born. If she ever finds out I told this story–on the web no less- I hope someone comes to look for my body because she is gonna kill me. LOL…it’s a chance worth taking because the story is hilarious. Because it’s true!

  9. Okay, now you’ve scared me with the boys and the poop in the bathtub story.

    What am I getting myself into!?!?!?!? hahahaha.

    Can you believe I’ve never worn a scarf? I think they are too fashionable for little old me and my sneakers…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I love this post…so sorry about the bathtub (can’t stop laughing)! Glad you got a real date night too:)


  11. Found you via the 25 Things Linky Party. I’m a new email follower. http://www.eccentricleopard.com/

  12. It’s so funny how different people are. I just think you’re so great and funny, but we have nothing in common from our lists. I love that. Viva la difference! ๐Ÿ™‚ But you did make me think about reading The Hunger Games. You are the third person that has said they are good. I’m following….can’t wait to get to know you better. Lisa~

  13. What a fun post! I love The Voice! LIKE LOVE it!

  14. i love Shaunna’s lists too – she’s awful cute. You’ve got me curious about the Hunger Games…but the last things I need is a series I can’t put down! And a dress in a cocktail dress!? How dreamy ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Love it! And…I’m dying to read the books, too! So glad you linked up to the party!

  16. Such a great list…I love the total randomness from bath time poop, to Hunger Games (haven’t taken the plunge yet – kind of scared of the premise) to date night! Fun!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

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