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So many times I get the same questions from readers regarding certain projects!
I hope you will find this page helpful & get the answer to the question you may have!
If for some reason this page does not supply you with the answer you are looking for, please email me & I will try to get back with you as soon as possible!!
Thank you!!
Kitchen Countertops

VTI Fine Laminate Countertop 10′ Milano Amber Laminate Countertop
  • Item #: 151970
  • Model #: 47241110
This piece is $57.50


VTI Fine Laminate Countertops 6′ Milano Amber Laminate Countertop


  • Item #: 141537
  • Model #: 4724116
This piece is $34.50
Total price $92.00 (not including tax.) When I looked the information up on the Lowe’s website, I did have to put my zip code in for pricing, and it mentioned something about prices varying depending on location, but I can’t imagine there would be a huge difference! Also, we did not have to pay anything for installation! All of the installing was done by my dad!!
Kitchen Cabinet Color
Many of you have asked me about the name of the paint color used for the cabinets, again, like a lot of my projects, this paint was purchased at our local do-it-yourself store (which is not a chain) & their paints & paint colors are not available at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. So….because I am of ZERO help in the paint color department, I though I would share just a little tip for those of you who are wanting a similar look…
If you have off-white or cream colored appliances like I do, you could always grab a bunch of paint sample colors & bring them home to try & match your appliances as closely as you can. That is what we did when trying to find the perfect shade of cream for our cabinets!! If you are wanting a cream color for your cabinets, but have different colored appliances, just try to find some cream appliances inside one of your favorite home improvement stores & match it that way!
Paint Color Recipe on Can: B-2 C-35 D-1 
Paint Color On Living Room Gallery Wall
The color is called “Lake Cottage.” I have had MANY inquiries about this paint color & unfortunately, it was purchased at our local home improvement store (which is not a chain store like Lowes or Home Depot.) The brand of paints that they carry are not the same as those found at the chain stores, so giving you the paint color information is unfortunately NO HELP WHATSOEVER!! I’m really sorry about that & have learned my lesson!! I will no longer buy or use paint colors that I can’t pass on to you all!! Pinky swear!!

Paint Recipe On Can- 101-16, 103-10, 105-24

Laundry Room Paint Color

This color is called “Lima Bean.” And AGAIN, it was purchased at our local home improvement store (which is not a chain store like Lowes or Home Depot.) The brand of paints that they carry are not the same as those found at the chain stores.

Paint Color Recipe on Can: BLU – 1 RUM – 11 YEL – 9
DIY Pallet Art Font
The font is from the “George & Basic Shapes” cartridge and the font I used was the only font available on the cartridge. I’ve also had many inquiries about whether or not these signs are available for purchase. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to mass reproduce these! Sorry!

Mod Podge Photos

Many of you have asked about this project and whether or not you are supposed to put the mod podge on top of the pictures or if it only goes under. Yes, I actually did two coats of Mod Podge on top of the photo in addition to putting one coat underneath.

DIY Framed Monogram

Many of you have asked whether or not we had any issues with the burlap sagging with this project. We did not, but I could see where this would happen. My only suggestion would be to use a spray adhesive similar to this one to put between the burlap & the cardboard backing on the frame. I think this would help to prevent sagging.

Vinyl From Wedding Subway Art

The vinyl for this project was purchased through Treehouse Treasures on Groopdealz. You can find it HERE.
My Haircut & Styling Tips

Hopefully all questions are answered in the video! If you are looking for pictures you can find them HERE.

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