A Testimony of God’s Love and Grace

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I am so honored that Tonya asked me to share about God’s love in my life.
What a wonderful series she is doing during the month of October!
My name is Cyndi, and I blog at Walking in His Grace.
I have many times seen in real tangible ways the love God has for me.
I share about them at Walking in His Grace because I hope they will
encourage other women to look and see just how much God loves them too!
This month I’m celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary.
Our marriage is a testimony of the love and grace of God.
In 1990 I was a divorced 24 year old with two children.
I felt like a failure and I had no idea if God could or even
would ever want to use me again?
Let me stop here and say that no matter how bad your past is,
God wants to use you if you will just surrender to Him.
Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.
Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”
That’s what is so amazing about God…….he can use anyone if they will just
believe and surrender their lives to Him. (Romans 10:9)
Although I had accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was younger
I had not surrendered my entire life to Him.
So that’s what I did and I began a real love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Several months later I met a wonderful man who at the time was a
Minister of Music and Youth. Never did I think he would be interested in me.
Let’s be honest, I was divorced with two very young children.
I didn’t know if God had someone for me, but if he did, it had to be someone who
not only loved me, but could also love Courtney and Cory.
Wayne not only loved us but he helped me to see that God had forgiven me
and I needed to forgive myself.
Well, as you can imagine that wonderful man is now my husband.
We have been blessed beyond measure to serve Christ through the local church.
Wayne is now a Senior Pastor and our desire is to share the love, grace,
and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with everyone.
If you would like to read my entire testimony of grace you can find it here.
I hope today you will know that God loves YOU and he desperately wants
a relationship with YOU!
Thank you again Tonya for allowing me to share over here at your beautiful blog!
Walking in His Grace,
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