Me…On Television?! (Part 2)

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So after being selected as “Blog of The Week” by our local news station & having my site featured on the morning news last Tuesday, I received an email days later, asking if I would like to come on the show to discuss my blog a little further in detail & share one of my projects!
Since I’ve never been interviewed before and because I’ve never been on television before, I immediately was kinda freaked out over the whole idea! I knew that it was a great opportunity for our blog and knew that I shouldn’t pass it up, but REALLY?! Me….on television?!
So, I spent some time pondering the idea & then responded to the email AGREEING to come on the show!
Kevin (one of the news anchors) assured me that  it would be EASY! He said that they would just be asking me a few questions about why I started blogging & that we would then move on to discussing one of my projects. He said that the interview would only be 3 minutes & that I would be FINE!! Oh yeah, and that it would be LIVE!
What?! Aaaaah!!
Cue Anxiety ATTACK!!!
What did I get myself into?!
So…..yesterday morning, I said a couple of prayers, put my big girl pants on, & did the interview!
Much to my surprise, it was pretty easy! The news anchors were super nice & made me feel at ease!
And because they are so awesome, again they emailed me the clip to share with all of my readers!!

There, now you all know what I sound like in real life!!
 Funny how you don’t realize what you sound like until you see yourself on TV!
Guess now I know what I sound like too!! 🙂
Thanks Again News Channel 3 for such an GREAT opportunity, for TAKING THE TIME out to spotlight this blog, & for making it such a FUN & EASY experience!!!
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