Hey Guys!
Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend!
I just wanted to make a quick post and tell you about one of my favorite blogs…
Its called….
The author of the blog is Sarah.
Sarah is just a girl with an unhealthy obsession with anything white, cottage-y, and/or cute. A few of her many, ever-changing interests include:
♥ Renovating her very old home
♥ Pretending she knows how to decorate
♥ Furniture and antique shopping
♥ Baking yummy treats and then forcing them on others
♥ Puttering around in her yard/garden
♥ Taking wannabe good photos of inanimate objects
♥ Sewing stuff badly
I know all of this because I stole it from her “About Me” section of her blog…. 🙂
I promise you all, if you take a minute to go on over to her blog…you will love it!
Her writing his very witty & her projects & recipes are to die for!
And if that isn’t reason enough, then go visit because she is having a fantastic giveaway party!
You see, Sarah has reached the 400 follower mark & to celebrate she is having a little giveaway party!
If you wanna get in on the action become a follower of her blog today! 🙂
There are a few guidelines to enter the giveaway, but I will let you visit & read about them on your own!
I am sure that if you visit once, you will most definitely visit again & soon…you will become her blog stalker like I have!
(p.s. she loves blog stalkers!)
So just click on the link below & let the addiction begin!
Happy Sunday to all of you…
Hope you have a great upcoming week!